GSK - Print Materials for Patient Education

I created a brand new brochure and tearpad to raise awareness about shingles. The unbranded brochure covered general shingles facts for people to read on their own. The tearpad, on the other hand, focused on the SHINGRIX vaccine and would be used to facilitate conversations between doctors and patients.

Showing the shingles rash on diverse skin tones was a priority for this project. To reflect this in the copy, I read interviews to understand how shingles impacted different populations. These insights helped me craft copy that resonated with their experiences and reflected specific risk factors.

Unbranded Brochure

This brochure was given out at community events and doctor’s offices. I wrote headline focused copy that reflected the experiences of diverse populations of shingles sufferers based on real accounts.

Branded Tearpad

This is a tool that doctors used to guide the conversation about shingles vaccination. I broke down the information into small digestible sections. I pictured the doctor pointing to different sections of the page based on the patient’s concerns, facilitating clear explanations. The front page is headline focused for quick reference. The back page has a FAQ section for easy scanning.




Pediasure Canada - Social Media Posts